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ICS Highlights Ocean Governance Issues at Important United Nations Meeting
Our Centre held an Open Lecture on Introduction to Cold Supply Chain
USCG Safety Alert 02-15: Ultra Low Sulphur Fuel Oil and Compliance with MARPOL Requirements
USCG Safety Alert 03-15: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Cargo and Hydrate Handling Risks
Our Centre held a Public Policy Research Seminar on Ship-Source Pollution
香港航運競爭力之共嬴篇 (大公報)
香港航運競爭力之發奮篇 (大公報)
BDI瀉六成散裝航運盼曙光 (大公報)
Shipping, World Trade and the Reduction of CO2 Emissions (International Chamber of Shipping)
Green Shipping Shenzhen Declaration
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