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List of research outputs
  1. Li, Lu, Yulai Wan, & Dong Yang, 2024. Do shipping alliances affect freight rates? Evidence from global satellite ship data. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 181, 104010.
  2. Zhen, L., He, X.^, Zhuge, D.#, Wang, S.*, 2024. Primal decomposition for berth planning under uncertainties. Transportation Research Part B, 183, 102929.
  3. Zhen, L., Yang, Z., Wang, S*, Hu, H., Chew, E.P., Tan, T., 2024. Integrated planning model for two-storey container ports. Transportation Research Part C, 160, 104535.
  4. Zheng, S., & Luo, M. (2021). Competition or cooperation? Ports’ strategies and welfare analysis facing shipping alliancesTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review153, 102429.
  5. Li, M., Luo, M., & Wang, J. (2021). Maritime services location decisions-an empirical analysis and implicationsMaritime Policy & Management, 1-16.
  6. Fan, L., Xu, Y., Luo, M., & Yin, J. (2021). Modeling the interactions among green shipping policiesMaritime Policy & Management, 1-16.
  7. Wang, F., Luo, M., & Xu, Z. (2021). Special issue on ‘Logistics and maritime systems for global trade’Maritime Policy & Management48(7), 915-916.
  8. Luo, M., & Lu, C. S. (2021). Special issue on ‘Cruise and shipping’Maritime Policy & Management48(2), 147-149.
  9. Luo, M., Chen, F., & Zhang, J. (2021). Relationships among port competition, cooperation and competitiveness: a literature review. This paper has been submitted on TRANSPORT POLICY.
  10. Wang, K. Y., Wen, Y., Yip, T. L., & Luo, M. (2020). How does a bank's involvement interplay with a firm's capacity investment? An analysis and comparison of different consortium structuresInternational Transactions in Operational Research27(5), 2658-2682.
  11. Jiang, X., Fan, H., Luo, M., & Xu, Z. (2020). Strategic port competition in multimodal network development considering shippers’ choiceTransport Policy, 90, 68-89.
  12. Gu, Y., Chen, Z., Lien, D., & Luo, M. (2020). Quantile hedge ratio for forward freight marketTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review138, 101931.
  13. Yang, D., Zhang, L., Luo, M., & Li, F. (2020). Does shipping market affect international iron ore trade?–An equilibrium analysisTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review144, 102107.
  14. Fan, L., Gu, B., & Luo, M. (2020). A cost-benefit analysis of fuel-switching vs. hybrid scrubber installation: A container route through the Chinese SECA caseTransport Policy99, 336-344.
  15. Shi, W., Luo, M., Jin, M., Cheng, S. K. & Li, K. X. (2020). Urban-rural income disparity and inbound tourism: Spatial evidence from China. Tourism Economics, 26(7), 1231-1247.
  16. Fan, L., Zheng, L., & Luo, M. (2020). Effectiveness of port state control inspection using Bayesian network modellingMaritime Policy & Management, 1-18.
  17. Li, M., & Luo, M. (2020). Review of existing studies on maritime clustersMaritime Policy & Management48(6), 795-810.
  18. Li, M & Luo, M. (2020). Maritime services location decisions—an empirical analysis and implication. This paper has been submitted to MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT.
  19. Yang, J., Luo, M. & Shi, M. (2020). Optimal subsidies for rail containers: a bi-level programming solution. Maritime Policy & Management, 47(2), 172-187.
  20. Wu, X., Zhang, L. & Luo, M. (2020). Current strategic planning for sustainability in international shipping. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22(3), 1729-1747.
  21. Wu, X., Zhang, L., & Luo, M. (2020). Discerning sustainability approaches in shipping. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22, 5169-5184.
  22. Gong, X., Wu, X. & Luo, M. (2019). Company performance and environmental efficiency: A case study for shipping enterprises. Transport Policy, 82, 96-106.
  23. Shi, X., Wang, Y., Luo, M., & Zhang, C. (2019). Assessing the feasibility of marine oil spill contingency plans from an information perspective. Safety Science, 112, 38-47.
  24. Luo, M., & Shin, S. H. (2019). Half-century research developments in maritime accidents: Future directions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 123, 448-460.
  25. Liu, X., Luo, M., & Zhao, Y. (2019). Integrating route optimisation with vehicle and unloading dock scheduling in LCL cargo collection. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 11(2-3), 262-280.
  26. Chen, D., Luo, M., & Yang, Z. (2018). Manufacturing relocation and port/shipping development along the Maritime Silk Road. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 10(3), 316-334.
  27. Kou, Y., Luo, M., & Zhao, Y. (2018). Examining the theoretical–empirical inconsistency on stationarity of shipping freight rate. Maritime Policy & Management, 45(2), 145-158.
  28. Zhang, L., Luo, M., Yang, D., & Li, K. (2018). Impacts of trade liberalization on Chinese economy with Belt and Road initiative. Maritime Policy & Management, 45(3), 301-318.
  29. Zhu, S., Fu, X., Ng, A. K. Y., Luo, M., & Ge, Y. E. (2018). The environmental costs and economic implications of container shipping on the Northern Sea Route. Maritime Policy & Management, 45(4), 456-477.
  30. Luo, M., & Shin, S. H. (2018). Maritime accidents. In Routledge Handbook of Transport in Asia (pp. 123-159). Routledge.
  31. Kou, Y., & Luo, M. (2018). Market driven ship investment decision using the real option approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 118, 714-729.
  32. Luo, M. (2017). “大船或造成运价持续低迷”. China Shipping Gazette, Issue No.1238, Page 47.
  33. Wu, X., Luo, M., & Zhang, A. (2017). Do Larger Ships Visit Fewer Regions/Ports? An Empirical Analysis on Global Liners Serving China. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP), 51(3), 173-192.
  34. Yin, J., Luo, M., & Fan, L. (2017). Dynamics and interactions between spot and forward freights in the dry bulk shipping market. Maritime Policy & Management, 44(2), 271-288.
  35. Liu, Q., Wilson, W. W. & Luo, M. (2016). The impact of Panama Canal expansion on the container-shipping market: a cooperative game theory approach. Maritime Policy and Management, 43(2), 209-221.
  36. Yang, J., Luo, M., & Ji, A. (2016). Analyzing the spatial–temporal evolution of a gateway’s hinterland: A case study of Shanghai, China. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 95, 355-367.
  37. Gao, Y., Luo, M., & Zou, G. (2016). Forecasting with model selection or model averaging: a case study for monthly container port throughput. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 12(4), 366-384.
  38. Kou, Y., & Luo, M. (2016). Strategic capacity competition and overcapacity in shipping. Maritime Policy & Management, 43(4), 389-406.
  39. Dong, B., Zhu, L., Li, K. X. & Luo, M. (2015). Acceptance of the international compensation regime for tanker oil pollution - And its implications for China. Marine Policy, 61, 179-186.
  40. Wang, K., Fu, X. & Luo, M. (2015). Modelling the impacts of alternative emission trading schemes on international shipping. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 77(2015), 25-49.
  41. Kou Y. & Luo, M. (2015). Modeling the Relationship between Ship Price and Freight Rate with Structural Changes. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 49(2), 276-294.
  42. Kou, Y., Liu, L. & Luo, M. (2014). Lead-lag relationship between new-building and second-hand ship prices. Maritime Policy & Management, 41(4), 303-327.
  43. Li, K. X., Yin, J., Luo, M. & Wang, J. (2014). Leading factors in job satisfaction of Chinese Seafarers. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 61(4), 303-327.
  44. Dong, B., Zhu L. & Luo M. (2014). Combating Marine Pollution from Vessel: China's New Legislation. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 29(2014), 158-172.
  45. Zhuang, W. , Luo, M. & Fu, X. (2014). A Game Theory Analysis of Port Specialization - Implications to the Chinese Port Industry. Maritime Policy & Management, 41(3), 268-287.
  46. Fan, L. & Luo, M. & Wilson, W. W. (2014). Pricing Joint Products in Liner Shipping. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 6(4), 371-386.
  47. Fan, L., Luo, M. & Yin, J. (2014). Flag Choice and Port State Control inspections - Empirical evidence using a simultaneous model. Transport Policy, 35(2014), 350-357.
  48. Luo, M., Fan, L., & Wilson, W. W. (2014). Firm Growth and Market Concentration in Liner Shipping. Journal of Transport Economics & Policy, 48(1), 171-187.
  49. Luo, M. (2013). Emission Reduction in International Shipping - the hidden side effects. Maritime Policy & Management, 40(7), 694-708.
  50. Luo, M., Fan, L., & Li, K. X. (2013). Flag choice behavior in the world merchant fleet. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 9(5), 429-450.
  51. Fan, L. & Luo, M. (2013). Analyzing ship investment behavior in liner shipping. Maritime Policy & Management, 40(6), 511-533.
  52. Yin, J., Fan L., Yang, Z. & Li, K. X. (2013). Slow steaming of liner trade: its economic and environmental impacts. Maritime Policy & Management, 41(2), 149-158.
  53. Zhu, L., Dong, B., & Li, K. X. (2013). China's 2012 Regime for Compensation for Vessel Source Oil Pollution: A Comparative Study. Ocean Development and International Law, 3(44), 270-286.
  54. Luo, M. & Yip, T. L. (2013). Ports and Environment. Maritime Policy & Management, 40(5), 401-403.
  55. Yang, J., Wu, X. & Luo, M. (2012). Regional Economy, Transport Infrastructure and Container Port System Evolution Process: A Comparative Study of China and the U.S. in 1979-2010. Economic Geography, 34(2), 80-85.
  56. Li, K. X., Luo, M., & Yang, J. (2012). Container port systems in China and the USA: a comparative study. Maritime Policy & Management, 39(5), 461-478.
  57. Li, K. X. (2012). Development of Maritime Limitation of Liability in China (1993-2011), Hong Kong Law Journal, 42(1).
  58. Qin, H., Luo, M., Gao, X., & Lim, A. (2012). The freight allocation problem with all-units quantity-based discount: A heuristic algorithm. The International Journal of Management Science, 40, 415-423.
  59. Yang, J., Luo, M., & Wu, X. (2012). Research On the Evolution Process of U. S. Container Port System. Economic Geography, 32(2), 94-100.
  60. Chang, Y., Tongzon, J., Luo, M., & Lee, P. T. (2012). Estimation of optimal handling capacity of a container port: An economic approach. Transport Reviews, 32(2), 241-258.
  61. Luo, M., Liu, L., & Gao, F. (2012). Post-entry container port capacity Expansion. Transportation Research B, 46(1), 120-138.
  62. Luo, M. & Opaluch, J. (2011). Analyze the risks of biological invasion. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25(3), 377-388.
  63. Luo, M., Liu, L., & Gao, F. (2010). Bertrand competition with capacity expansion – A case study for container port competition between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Board, 2166, 74-81.
  64. Luo, M., Fan, L., & Liu, L. (2009). An econometric analysis for container shipping market. Maritime Policy & Management, 36(6), 507-523.


Policy Papers
  1. "2008年以來國際幹散貨運輸市場簡要回顧(2)" SeaView - Journal of Institute of Seatransport, No. 107, Autumn 2014
  2. "2008年以來國際幹散貨運輸市場簡要回顧(1)" SeaView - Journal of Institute of Seatransport, No. 106, Summer 2014
  3. "Regional competition for the international shipping center: the development of maritime arbitration center in Asia". SeaView - Journal of Institute of Seatransport, No. 100, Winter 2012
  4. "Status and development of International Maritime Arbitration Center in Asia. Maritime Section", TaKungPao June 29-30, 2012. (大公報 航運版, "亞洲海事仲裁現狀與發展"。 2012年6月292012年6月30日)
  5. "Supporting Hong Kong to compete for International Maritime Service Center". Research Report, Development Research Center of the State Council, PRC, No. 164 (Total 4166) 2012. (國務院發展研究中心調查研究報告,"支持香港競逐國際航運服務中心",第164 號(總4166號)2012年9月17日)
  6. "Container shipping market analysis and prediction". SeaView - Journal of the Institute of Seatransport, No. 89, 2010


PMLC Research Report
  1. PMLC research report ‘Strategies On the Development of International Shipping Centre’ – Draft Research Outline
  2. 理大海事中心報告”鞏固香港航運中心地位” – 報告提綱 (草案) 
  3. 理大海事中心報告”鞏固香港航運中心地位” – 報告發表 (第一部分, 第一版)